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SchoolProtect User Guide

Navigation: HTTPS Decryption

Installing Certificates

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These instructions will need to be performed by the network administrator to update the certificate. This can be done at any time, we recommend it is complete before your school is moved to the new SchoolProtect platform so that decryption can be tested and enabled quickly.


Every device and application will need to be tested to ensure compatibility with decryption and exceptions should be added where needed.


First, download the certificate from: You will need this in the following steps.


Please note: if you already have decryption enabled, do not remove the existing certificate until instructed by LGfL staff as this will need to remain in place for the duration of the migration process.


20 by 20     Installing Certificates at an Administrator Level


20 by 20     Installing Certificates via Intune


20 by 20     Installing Certificates on Windows OS


20 by 20     Installing Certificates on Mac OSX


20 by 20     Installing Certificates for iOS


20 by 20     Installing Certificates on Android OS


20 by 20     Installing Certificates for MDM (Meraki)


20 by 20     Installing Certificates on Chrome OS


20 by 20     Verifying Your Certificate Installation


Also see:

HTTPS Decryption

Test Tool